Friday, June 19, 2009


A bit of good news. Actually, its a bit of GREAT news!
Today I had my appointment with my oncologist to go over the results of the pathology report from my surgery. Let me start from the top...
Monday I had my first follow up with my surgeon. I was prepared to beg with all my might so that he would take out the drains. I had had it. I just couldnt take it anymore. I knew that there was a really good chance that at least the left drain would stay in because I was still having a ton of drainage, but to my complete surprise, he said that they were ready to come out!! Holy cow, I have never been so excited to feel the ripping pain of those drains being pulled out. And pain it was. I really didnt know what to expect-I just knew it was going to hurt. Luckily, I was still numb so i didnt feel the stiches coming out, but oh my heavens, I felt those drains being pulled on then yanked as they ripped through muscle and tissue. I thought I might die for those brief seconds-but they are out and I am feelin good!!! It has taken a good part of this week for the swelling to decrease, but today I noticed a big change. The swelling is down and my arms have almost reached normal position down by my side. I dont look like a body builder anymore. I am still having pain and numbness on the backs of my arms and my arm pits are still completly numb as well as the stitches where the breast were removed and around that area. I still dont have full range of my arms-I cant reach and stretch them like before. I think that is just something that im going to have retrain my muscles to do. Hopefully the plastic surgeon can do something about that when I begin reconstruction. But its nice to feel a bit normal again.
The surgeon then told us about the pathology report. He started off by saying that it wasnt the news he was hoping to hear. I think Bill about had a heart attack. He said that 3 of the 7 lymphnodes that were tested came back positve for cancer. He was hoping that the large size of the nodes were the result of scar tissue-but they werent. I didnt panic, I knew that it was my oncologist that I needed to talk to, not the surgeon. Bill, on the other hand, paniced enough for the both of us. Hes funny like that.

So, that brings us to today. My Dr came in and said he was extremly happy with the report. He said that they were able to get all the cancer-thanks to the chemotherapy. He said that since the tumor and surrounding little spots were so reduced in size, it made it possible to get it all. He wasnt the least bit worried about the 3 nodes that tested positive. He just kept saying that he was so pleased that the chemo did its job and that my body was very receptive. Thank you body!! So as far as im concerned, I AM CANCER FREE!!! Its such a great feeling. I feel so lucky to be in this position. At the begining of all this, things didnt look good at all. Now look where I am. I have a great Dr and he has done such a marvelous job. I am convinced that I have been greatly blessed by a higher power-EXTREMELY blessed!! And of course I wouldnt be here without the many, many prayers that have come my way. What an experiece this has been. I know that the hard part is over-now its on to the maitenece part of all this. I should hear back next week as to when I will start the radiation and I will also start my Herceptin treatments. I knew from the begining that I would have to do the Herceptin because of me having the HER 2 gene, but I always thought it was a shot. I was informed today that this is an IV treatment that will take about 1hr and 45 min to recieve. So, im back to the chemo schedule. 1 day every 3 weeks for the next year. Its a bit discouraging to know that for the next year i have to deal with this, but I guess I would rather deal with this than have to deal with cancer again.
So thats where I am. Still a long road, but im prepared and ready.

Its a great day!!!


Unknown said...

Shelly, I am so happy for you for this moment. We have been thinking about you and praying for you. Keep on, keepin' on!! Way to go!

Jod Jas Curtis said...

Yay Shelly :) I admire your strength & perseverence! I think about you so much & pray you are all hanging in there. You are one tuff chick! Way to kick it girl!!!
*hopefully we can get together next time I'm in town

Lisa said...

Yeah, that is great news!! I'm sure you are very releived and ready for the next step. Hope you can enjoy the moment.
take care,

Full House said...

This is the best news I've heard in a long time. O am so happy for you. Wish that you didn't have to go through anymore.

Talk soon,


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the good news! I will continue to check up on you through this blog, praying for you!

Angie said...

Yeah, Shelly! So glad to hear that things are going good. I have been thinking about you so much!

Mike and Deb said...

Prayers have been answered!

Birchall Family said...

Shelly, I am so happy for you! You are an amazing women. I can't believe how strong you have been through this, and you managed to do it all with a sense of humor! You are my hero!!

Abby Runyan said...

YES!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! You have been so amazing through this all, what an amazing attitude you have.

The Dunford Family said...

I can't tell you how happy I am for you! It was so great to hear this post! I hope things continue to go well for you! You're amazing and deserve all the best!
Lots of Love,

Nancy said...

yay shelly- I have been on vacation and been wondering how you have been. I was so happy to read that you were doing great. I am so happy and can't wait til we go out for lunch soon.

Amy Young Holden said...

Shell, This has been the best post so far! So happy for you all! We will continue the thoughts and prayers. Take care and keep up the blogging! I love to check in on you! So So Happy for you! Love, Amers

Shannon said...

Congrats Shelly! I am so happy for you. You are Cancer Free that is so awesome! Your positive attitude is amazing! Congrats again!!