Sunday, October 25, 2009

Updates and Boobies!!!

My goodness, I have completly lost my drive. I have no desire whatsoever to blog. None.
I go through these kinds of phases every now and then. I still have no desire, but I really need to update all thats going on.

The Herceptin is going good. I have really enjoyed it(is that weird?). I get some Benedryl (sp?) and it makes me feel pretty good. It kicks in in about 3 minutes and its off to sleepy land I go. The next thing I know, im done and on my way home to sleep it off for the rest of the night. My appointments are usually at about 2pm and im done at about 5 or 5:30. I feel bad because they are on Fridays and our night is usually shot. The only drawback is that by 10pm or so, it has worn off and im wide awake until like 2 or 3am. Sat. mornings are usually pretty rough. As much as I enjoy it, I get a bit overwhelmed when I think about having to do this for a year. Yikes!
Anyway.... on to the good news!!
I FINALLY met with a plastic surgeon. Im not quite sure about his name, but I really like him and he is was very informative. His name.....Dr. Wiener(wee-ner). Am I completly childish? I cant help but laugh. I refuse to say it, so I just call him Doc. Im so bummed because I cant get the tram flap procedure (thats the tummy tuck one) because I have to create 2 breasts and this procedure was meant for creating only one. Total bummer. So it looks like I will just have to get silicone implants. You should have seen the "sample" they had in the office. It was like Dolly Parton size and Bill was like "this seems about right". Im not sure exactly what size I will be in the end, that will be determined as I get filled each week. When I like the size that I am, then we will do the permanent implant surgery.
There will be a total of 3 surgerys. The first one, which will take place on Nov. 5th (YEA!!) will be an expander. Its a hard, mesh-like implant that they will fill up with as much saline as my skin will allow right now, which wont be much. Each week, I will drive all the way out to the office and they will fill me up some more. When I get to the size I like, then we put in the permanent implant.(about 2-3 months from now) After I have healed somewhat, then we will do the nipple reconstruction. They take a skin graft from your thigh or butt or somewhere, and they create a nipple. Once that is healed, then they tatoo the areola part and im complete! Its a long process and im really not that patient. I know that for the next few months I will be in pain and be totally uncomfortable, but the end result will be so nice. Its going to be wierd, having these fake boobs. Im not much of a fake person and having these things inside me is going to be strange, but wow, the fact that this can even be done is amazing. Im prepared for the topic of conversation, for a while, to be the new girls. Hello backpain and bras. It has been awesome not having to worry about a bra for a while. But I cant even tell you how excited I am to feel like a woman again. Its been a tough time, these past few months. Its done a lot to my confidance. Im excited to re-build that.
So thats the news these days. I have a good week and a half to prepare. They wanted to do it on the 29th, but I just couldnt give up Halloween with my kiddies. One more week isnt going to hurt, but my patience is definatly being tried=)
Happy Halloween Week!!!


The Heiner's said...

Yay!!! I am so excited for you Shelly! What a fighter you have been. I think about you often and am always amazed by your strength. And I love your updates. Thank you for posting. Even though you had no desire! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes!!!!! Thanks for the update! Glad to hear that you are doing well on the Herceptin!! Did you see that Lifetime Movie about the doctor who invented Herceptin and fought for many years to make it available??!!!! Can't remember the name of it but if you get a chance to see it you should....great movie!!!!! Keep up your great attitude!!!!!

Lisa said...

I'm so glad you are doing well. Good luck with the rest of the procedures. I hope all goes well next week, I'll be thinking of you! Please let us know if you need anything. I'm excited for your new girls, I'm sure you can't wait! I think the doctors name is funny too, I would have changed it if I was him. Thanks for posting!!!

Rachel Cunningham said...

Bummer that your surgery is on the same day as Book Club, but sounds like you are ready to get this going so I am excited for you! That is hilarious about Bill and the Dolly Parton boobs. Men...sheesh. Maybe we can squeeze in a lunch between now and then.

Charisse said...

Thank you for the update. Good luck with your 'new girl' procedures. I had no idea what a process it was. I could not stop laughing about the Doctor's name. How funny.

Amy Young Holden said...

Hey! So glad to hear you get some fake boobs! They really are not so bad! I am so happy for you. It was great to see an update! Joe and I went up to your old hood in Park City and it made me miss you! Take care and keep us posted! Love ya Shell!

Nancy said...

Shelly that is great news. I love ready about your doctors name. You crack me up. and I think fake boobs would be awesome. I hope to have some some day. :) Has Heather gotten a hold of you and told you about her sister in law?

salena said...

You're hilarious, that's so funny about your doctor's name! I'm glad this is finally happening for you... You're amazing Shelly!